Azerbaijani Deputy Minister of foreign affairs, Khalaf Khalafov gave interview to “Hesabat Mirshahinle” (Report with Mirshahin) about Tehran talks on determination of legal status of the Caspian Sea.
What is the situation in the talks on determination of the legal status of the Caspian Sea? Are there changes in Iran’s position regarding determination of the Caspian’s legal status?
Azerbaijan and Iran came to agreement that the Caspian Sea must be solely used for peace purpose. The Caspian Sea must serve interest of all states. At the same time, division of the Caspian Sea must be realized on international laws and experience. Talks on determination of the Caspian’s legal status are carried out on international principles. We make efforts to determine the midline concerning division of the Caspian Sea.
What is Azerbaijan’s position on the Caspian’s legal status?
Azerbaijan as other countries has its own sector in the Caspian Sea. Realization of the rights of the countries must be on the basis bilateral agreements in the sector. We make efforts to make this agreement both with Iran and Turkmenistan. Azerbaijan has already determined borders of its sector with Kazakhstan and Russia. What is the problem with Iran and Turkmenistan now?
The problem is that we have not determined the parameters of the midline. That is why the talks and activity of the working group must continue.
Was there any advance since the last talks?
The point of the talks was the project of convention concerning the general legal status of the Caspian Sea. There were a number of difficult issues such as ways of realization of navigation, utilization of water surface, boreders, and movement of warships difficult for regulation. At the same time the principles related with division of the bottom of the Caspian Sea and the elements for realization of these principles must be reflected in the project of the convention.
Do you consider there are points in Turkmenistan’s position to support us with regard to legal status of the Caspian Sea?
We are satisfied with the development of the dialogue between presidents of Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan. The opening of Embassy of Turkmenistan in Azerbaijan, decisions on bilateral vists of the presidents proves a dynamic development started in the relations of the two countries. Difference in the opinions regarding the legal status of the Caspian Sea has no negative effect on expansion of bilateral relations between Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan.
So difference in the opinions regarding legal status of the Caspian Sea does not make negative effect on expansion of bilateral relations between Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan.
Then what problem is being discussed now?
We must regulate the latter. This problem keeps open still.
What is the reason that the problem on determination of legal status of the Caspian Sea delays so long?
Both Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan want the problem concerning determination of legal status of the Caspian Sea. The existing difference of opinions, elements may change or keep. But it is impossible to give comments or discuss these items every time.
An event is expected to be held in Baku this year. When will the event start?
A decision was made in Ceyhan summit as to hold next event in Baku. The time of the summit will be agreed additionally.
Does this meeting promise any fundamental change or result?
I consider there will be certain progress in determination of the legal status of the Caspian Sea in 2008.
In what parts of the Caspian Sea the borders are not determined?
The Caspian Sea has no water border from legal point of view. The key isuue of project of convention is determination of water borders of the states.
How can we identify which ships may sail or not in Caspian water?
Regimes are different on that. We apply this regime for the moment. For example, issues concerning fishing are regulated on 10-mile regime. Ships of scientific researches carry out activities through mutual agreements. We use old regimes until the new ones are established.
Are there seas other than the Capian Sea having problems of this kind?
Sea Convention is not employed on the Caspian Sea. That is why borders of the states and their functions are to be agreed among the states. If the aforesaid convention was refered to the Caspian Sea then we would be engaged only with division of the bottom of the Caspian Sea. We set up norms to regulate all kinds of activities. Let’s take one more problem concerning the Caspian Sea. Three of littorial states are inner continental ones. That is these states have no outlet to world oceans. Here appears a problem of outlet of their ships to world oceans. Presently we are regulating this problem through bilateral agreement with Russia. However there are norms of international laws. These states have right of transit and they must be agreed out.
When can this project be confirmed?
There are a number of principal issues. The project of agreement can be signed after the division of the bottom of the Caspian Sea is finished and principles on utilization of water surface are determined.